If you need to convert color values between RGB and HEX you will find the following functions useful. Original post had only ActionScript 1 version and now I have updated it to add ActionScript 3 version as well 🙂

package com.luracast {

     * Set of funtions for handling color values in different format
     * @author R.Arul Kumaran [[email protected]]
     * For more code keep visiting [www.luracast.com/all/blog]
    public class ColorUtil {
         * returns a string representing the HEX value
         * for the specified R,G,B values
         * @param r red value (0-255)
         * @param g green value (0-255)
         * @param b blue value (0-255)
         * @return HEX String
         * @example
         * trace(ColorUtil.getHexStr(255,255,255));
         * //traces "ffffff"
        public static function getHexStr(r:uint, g:uint, b:uint):String {
            return twoDigit(r.toString(16)) +
				twoDigit(g.toString(16)) +

         * returns the HEX value for the specified R,G,B values
         * @param r red value (0-255)
         * @param g green value (0-255)
         * @param b blue value (0-255)
         * @return HEX number
         * @example
         * trace(ColorUtil.getHex(255,255,255));
         * //traces 16777215
        public static function getHex(r:uint, g:uint, b:uint):uint {
            return r << 16 | g << 8 | b;

         * returns the RGB (as Object) for the
         * specified HEX value
         * @param Hex Hexadecimal number
         * @return Object with properties r, g, and b
         * @example
         * trace(ColorUtil.HexToRGB(0x0c0c0c).r);
         * //traces 12 (the red value)
        public static function Hex2RGB(Hex:uint):Object {
            return { r: HEX >> 16, g: (HEX >> 8) &
				0xff, b: HEX & 0xff };

         * adds "0" in front if the string is only
         * one digit. Also useful for converting date time strings
         * @param str number given as string
         * @return converted string with a 0 prefix when needed
         * @example
         * var myDate = new Date();
         * var timeStr = ColorUtil.twoDigit(myDate.getHours())+
         * ColorUtil.twoDigit(myDate.getMinutes());
         * trace(timeStr);
         * //traces "01:09"
        public static function twoDigit(str:String):String {
            return str.length == 1 ? "0" + str : str;

   Developed by R.Arul Kumaran [[email protected]]
   for more code keep visiting [www.luracast.com/all/blog]
//Set of funtions for handling color values in different format

   //getHexStr: returns a string representing the
   //HEX value for the specified R,G,B values
_global.getHexStr = function(r, g, b) {
    return twoDigit(r.toString(16)) +
		twoDigit(g.toString(16)) +
   //traces "ffffff"
   //getHex: returns the HEX value for the
   //specified R,G,B values
_global.getHex = function(r, g, b) {
    return r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
   //traces 16777215
   //HexToRGB: returns the RGB (as Object) for the
   //specified HEX value
_global.HexToRGB = function(HEX) {
    return { r: HEX >> 16, g: (HEX >> 8) &
		0xff, b: HEX & 0xff };

   //traces 12 (the red value)
   //twoDigit: adds "0" in front if the string is only
   // one digit also useful for converting date time strings
function twoDigit(str) {
    return str.length == 1 ? "0" + str : str;
   var myDate = new Date();
   var timeStr = twoDigit(myDate.getHours())+
   //traces "01:09"