by admin | Sep 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Whenever I wanted to get index an array by the column value I used to do the following [cc lang=”php”]
by admin | Sep 14, 2011 | Uncategorized
Often we need to remove empty elements from our array. For example when we split a string with space, we can get the words and also blank strings when there are two or more spaces put together. We can use array_filter function for rescue. When we call array_filter...
by admin | Aug 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
I’m in the process of creating Usage examples for the brand new version of RESTler. Take a look at the work in progress version here (I would love to hear your thoughts). One of the nice features in that is the ability to see the source code. I’m using a...
by admin | Jan 12, 2009 | Blog
I believe that haXe is the right platform for developing api’s and code libraries. Why haXe? If you use just the haXe core libraries. HaXe Can compile to Javascript by generating a single.js file Can compile to Flash 6-8 by generating a single .swf file Can...
by admin | Jul 20, 2008 | Blog
FDT is an Eclipse based IDE for Actionscript coding. I heard about it a lot but never tried it on my own. When I came to know Nico Zimmerman is about to present in our FUG. I wanted to try it before that so that I can better understand the platform and raise any...