The objective of my .toStrong code and ActionScript() function is to generate the actionscript from any object with which we should be able to recreate the object again. My String.toString Prototype does manage the /n and /r properly(thanks to Rob for pointing this to me through his comment). Now I’ve fixed it. Have a look at it here.

[UPDATE] included the ActionScript 3 version as well 🙂 It became lot more simpler with the regular expressions

   Developed by R.Arul Kumaran [[email protected]]
   for more code keep visiting []
Coming Soon....

   Developed by R.Arul Kumaran [[email protected]]
   for more code keep visiting []

Developed by R.Arul Kumaran [[email protected]]     *
for more code keep visiting [] *
version 3.7 Last updated on 1 Feb, 2006
Thanks to Ampre[[email protected]] for the initial improvements to my Object.toAS() code
|   Object.toString() - Create a actionscript string for the given object with out circular references
|                   	Useful for tracing objects for local and remote debugging
|	ActionScript(Object, 'name_of_the_variable') - gets complete reusable actionscript of the Object including circular reference
_global.ActionScript = function(obj, name) {
        ActionScript._Dump = [];
        var str = name+' = '+obj.toString(name)+ActionScript.lineBrake+ActionScript._Dump.join(ActionScript.lineBrake);
        delete ActionScript._Dump;
        return str;
ActionScript.lineBrake = "n";
ActionScript.spacer = "t";
ActionScript.makeString = function(t, name, spacer) {
        var y = typeof (t);
        switch (y) {
                case "object" :
                return (ActionScript.getString(t, name, spacer, t instanceof Array ? 1 : 0));
                case "function" :
                return (ActionScript.getString(t, name, spacer, 2));
                case "boolean" :
                case "number" :
                return (t);
                case "string" :
                return (t.toString());
                case "movieclip" :
                var m = t._target.split('/').join('.');
                return (m.length>1 ? '_root'+m : '_root');
                default :
                return (y == '' ? t : y);
ActionScript.getString = function(t, name, spacer, mode) {
        var s = new String();
        if (spacer == undefined) {
                spacer = '';
        t.__name__ = name;
        t.IsCircularReference = true;
        ASSetPropFlags(t, "IsCircularReference,__name__", 1);
        for (var i in t) {
                var special = false;
                var l = i.length;
                while (l--) {
                        var c = i.charAt(l);
                        if ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_".indexOf(c.toLowerCase())<0) {
                                special = true;
                if (!t[i].IsCircularReference) {
                        if (special) {
                                ActionScript._Dump.push(t.__name__+'["'+i+'"] = '+ActionScript.makeString(t[i], name+'.'+i, spacer+ActionScript.spacer)+';');
                        } else {
                                switch (mode) {
                                        case 0 :
                                        var rS = ActionScript.makeString(t[i], name+'.'+i, spacer+ActionScript.spacer);
                                        if (rS != '' && rS != undefined) {
                                                s += ActionScript.lineBrake+spacer+ActionScript.spacer+i+':'+rS+", ";
                                        default :
                                        //Object definition
                                        if (isNaN(i)) {
                                                var rS = ActionScript.makeString(t[i], name+'.'+i, '');
                                                if (rS != '' && rS != undefined) {
                                                        ActionScript._Dump.push(t.__name__+'.'+i+' = '+rS+';');
                } else {
                        if (isNaN(i)) {
                                ActionScript._Dump.push(special ? t.__name__+'["'+i+'"] = '+t[i].__name__ : t.__name__+'.'+i+' = '+t[i].__name__+';');
        switch (mode) {
                case 1 :
                for (var i = 0; i