Problem importing sound?

When our flash file becomes big and complex we often face this problem. When we try to import the audio we get “One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them” even when you are sure that the audio format is flash compatible....

Splitting String to Words Array

Now I’m in the process of creating Action Script (or any script) color highlighter in flash. Which can be used in forums to post the ActionScript As and when the user types a property or keyword it will highlight in the specified color. I’m planning to set...

Working with color HEX & RGB

If you need to convert color values between RGB and HEX you will find the following functions useful. Original post had only ActionScript 1 version and now I have updated it to add ActionScript 3 version as well 🙂 ActionScript 3.0 ActionScript 1.0 package com.luracast...